Sauron Software Projects Repository
The Sauron Software Projects Repository hosts software projects developed by Carlo Pelliccia and released for free under Free Software licenses.
Latest news
- 26-Jun-2012
ftp4j 1.7.2 has been released. - 12-Apr-2012
ftp4j 1.7.1 has been released. - 28-Dec-2011
cron4j 2.2.5 has been released. - 28-Dec-2011
ftp4j 1.7 has been released.
Hosted projects
- CloneRNX - A simple and funny Java game.
- cron4j - A scheduler for the Java 2 platform which is very similar to the UNIX cron daemon.
- feed4j - A Java library implementing a XML feeds parser.
- ftp4j - A Java library implementing a FTP client.
- grab4j - A web-grabbing Java library.
- Java Base64 - A Java library that can encode and decode base64 streams.
- JAVE - A Java library that can transcode audio and video files from a format to another.
- JUnique - A library that can be used to prevent a user to run at the same time more instances of the same Java application.
- Kickstart - A Windows starter for Java applications. It generates EXE files from runnable Java archives (JAR).
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